Becoming an attorney is not an easy job. It requires persistence, consistency and hardwork. Mainly lawyers are classified into two categories. Civil and criminal. A civil attorney deals with civil cases. The punishment for these do not usually involve capital punishment of prolonged jail time and victims can simply pay a fine and walk free. Whereas, criminal lawyers deal with crimes that are classified under the criminal section of the Constitution. Criminal lawyers, usually earn a lot more than civil lawyers, but their jobs involve higher risks. Certain countries such as Switzerland England etc are known for their exceptionally difficult law. Becoming a commercial litigation attorney in these countries are especially difficult.
Steps to become a criminal litigation attorney
The steps to pursue law as a career in any form is especially difficult. However, what makes becoming a commercial litigation attorney, even more difficult is the fact that an aspirant has to not only master theoretical knowledge and be aware of all the laws, but they also need to be quick thinkers. Since their profession completely revolves around the courtroom. Many criminal attorneys also need to work with various departments like police and detectives in order to strengthen their case. Not to mention the added risk of defending criminals.
While it cannot be said that any branch of law is more difficult than the other, it can certainly be said that becoming a criminal attorney takes a heavy toll on a lawyer’s mind. It is rightly said that practicing criminal law requires a heart and mind of pure steel.